Here is great info I found on a Preppers Forum for stocking your Bunker and your Bug Out Bag.
Stocking your bunker
Post subject: Re: Stocking your bunker / bugout - My Prep
Here's the list… I found it on another area of the forums…
Where ever you plan to be when TSHTF you'll need more than a hole in the ground to survive.
I've been seriously prepping since about this time last year. I got into prepping because of the Bird Flu scare but it's really more than that. I just have a deep down feeling that something bad is coming.
I'm not sure what it is. Pandemic, 2012, Planet X, Global Warming, Global Cooling, Nuclear Terrorism,
Economic meltdown, civil unrest... In short, there's just too many storm clouds on the horizon NOT to be prepared.
So for you reading ammusment, here's my list of preps. I'm not done yet but I do think I am over the hump. It's been a massive undertaking putting all this stuff together over the last year. Maybe some of you just getting started can benefit from some of the research that went behind putting this togather.
I am currently located in the suburbs about 15 miles out on the edge of a mid sized city.
Not the best place to be but I am on a small lake and I have a spring fed stream in the backyard and I'm only a few miles from open farmland. Currently looking for 40 or so acres close enough in to be able to commute to work but far enough out to be out of the suburbs. Also have access to a large family owned farm several hours away if things fall apart before I can get some land of my own.
“2012” Stocks
General Survival & Utility
(1) 700 yards 12lb monofilament line
(12) rolls 1.88” x 35yrd Gorilla brand black duct tape
(2) 10’ x 25’ 4mil Clear Plastic Sheeting
(2) 10’ x 25’ 4mil Black Plastic Sheeting
(1) 1200ft. Spool Type III 550 Para Cord
(3) Pair Leather Work Gloves
(300) Microflex Midnight Nitrile Black Gloves Medium
(300) Microflex Midnight Nitrile Black Gloves Large
(2) Kidde 3-A:40-B:C Fire Extinguishers
Leather work gloves will be essential, especially if you are not used to hard manual labor. Blisters and splinters are the last thing you need to deal with post SHTF.
Gorilla brand duct tape is much better than generic duct tape. It costs a little more but it’s worth it.
Fire will be a major danger when TSHTF. People will be using candles and oil lanterns, etc. Make sure you have a stock of 9v batteries for smoke alarms and at least several large fire extinguishers.
(1) 21” Bow Saw w/extra blades
(1) Shovel, round point
(1) Shovel, square point
(1) Claw Hammer
(1) Handsaw, crosscut
(1) Axe, single blade
(1) Pick Axe
(1) Maul
(1) Large Crowbar
(1) Ladder
(1) 4lb Hand Sledge Hammer
(1) Cold Chisel
(1) Diamond Honing Block Knife sharpener
(1) Nicholson 8” Axe File
(1) Set of Phillips head Screwdrivers (Large, Med, Small)
(1) Set of Flat head Screwdrivers (Large, Med, Small)
(1) Set of Allen wrenches
(1) Socket Set w/ratchets
(1) Razor Knife w/100 spare blades
Get the best heavy-duty shovels, hoes, axes, etc you can find. Look for "commercial grade" with the synthetic handles.
A Bow Saw is a must have item. A bow saw will allow you to cut your own firewood with much less effort than an axe. Don’t forget replacement blades.
For a ladder, you can't beat a Little Giant folding ladder. Overbuilt to the extreme, it works as a stepladder or an adjustable straight ladder tall enough to get onto most roofs.
The Little Giant ladders frame is also wider at the ends so it's much more stable than a regular straight ladder. This is important because a broken leg or worse could easily be fatal in without access to medical care.
A good mill file will make quick work of sharpening axes and machetes. Try and fine the 8” Nicholson axe file with the built-in handle.
Self Defense, Hunting & Fishing
Gun Safe
Guns & Ammo
(3) Bridger 1.65 offset 4x4 MODIFIED Steel traps
(1) 100 feet #2 straight link chain for traps, trapping
(48) Berkshire Cable Stakes for traps
(1) Cable Stake Driver for traps
(1) 1lb Trap Wax
(1) 700 yards 12lb monofilament line
(500) #8 Bait Holder Fish Hooks (Bream Hooks)
(1) 1500 Yards Powerpro Green 15lb Braided Fishing Line
(1) Small Plano Tackle Box
(6) Small Styrofoam Clip On Bobbers
(80) 3/0 Removable Lead Split Shot
(500) #8 Bait Holder Fish Hooks (Bream Hooks)
(2) 12’x4’ Gill Nets
(4) 150’ Magic Bait Big Catch Trotlines w/25 4/0 Hooks
(200) 4/0 Mustad O'Shaughnessy Stainless Steel Fish Hooks
(144) #1 Brass Barrel Swivels
(2) Ugly Stick Lite Pro 5’ rods w/Daiwa Regal-XiA 1000 Spinning Reels (panfishing)
Steel traps will be useful when TSHTF for catching wild dogs and cats. Can also be used to catch Racoons, Foxes, Bobcats, Coyotes, etc.
Field Gear
(2) ESS Land Ops Tactical Military Foliage Grn Goggles
(1) Woodland Camo ECWCS Gortex Parka – XL/R
(2) Woodland Camo ECWCS Gortex Trousers L/R
(1) Woodland Camo BDU Field Jacket w/liner, XL/R
(1) Woodland Camo BDU Shirt, XL/L
(1) Woodland Camo BDU Pants, L/R
(2) Woodland Camo Boonie Hats, size 7 ¼
(1) Woodland Camo Boonie Hat, size 7 ½
(1) Pair GI Jungle Boots, Black Upper, size 9 ½ W
(1) Pair Hi-tech Magnum Combat Boots, Black, size 10
(3) Pair Boot Laces
(1) Black Web belt
(2) USMC Pistol Web Belts, OD
(1) Black Plastic canteen w/black cover
(2) Ka-BAR 1281 D2 steel Combat Knifes w/sheath
(2) Pair black leather gloves
(7) Pair Heavy Wool Socks
(2) Pair Rag Wool Gloves
(2) Emergency Hooded Ponchos
(1) GI Folding Shovel
(2) Ontario Knife 18” Machetes/w Sheaths US GI 6145
(1) Map Compass
(2) US Army Surplus MOLLE II Patrol Pack Backpack Woodland
(2) Camelbak Thermobak Omega 3L Multicam Molle USGI NEW
(3) Poncho, U.S. G.I., Ripstop
(2) Tubes Loam / Light Green Camo Face Paint
(2) Tubes Olive/ Black Camo Face Paint
(2) ALTA Tactical Superflex Knee Pads Woodland Camo
(12) Pair G.I. boxer shorts OD
(2) Medalist® Silvermax™ 97% polyester, 3% -X-static silver fiber, Lightweight
Short Sleeve Tee Shirt, Black, XL
(4) Pair Medalist® Silvermax™ 97% polyester, 3% -X-static silver fiber,
Lightweight 9” Tube Sock, Black, L
(4) Pair Medalist® Silvermax™ 97% polyester, 3% -X-static silver fiber,
Performance Boxer Briefs, Black, XL
I believe that in the event TSHTF that every able-bodied man should be prepared to defend his family and community from the threat of looters, etc.
Try and stock at least 2 sets of BDU’s and 2 pair of good boots. It’s a good idea to wear the boots just enough to break them in before putting them into your
For woodland camo, you are much better off with classic US Woodland Camo than the Army’s new ACUPAT (ARPAT) camo.
Without large, contrasting features, ARPAT tends to simply blend into a solid, grayish-green color at distance. This doesn't happen only at 200 yards, but rather at around 30-50 yards. Thus, the outline remains very distinctive and rather easy to put a front sight onto as well.
ARPAT was designed on the misconception that "There is no black in nature, and thus should be none in camo". The fact is, a lot of nature is perceived by the eye to be black when seen at 15 or more yards. Shadows, dark trees, certain bits of dirt, etc. Shadows especially are important, and black in a pattern simulates receded areas by giving the impression of shadow. ARPAT designers removed black based on the above misconception.
Some other woodland camo you might want to look at is German Flecktarn, or my favorite, Canadian CADPAT.
A machete can be an incredibly useful item. Look for USGI issue Ontario Knife 18” with OD or Black Hard Plastic Sheath with built-in sharper. GI Issue hard plastic sheaths are harder to find than the GI issue machetes but worth finding.
Hygiene will be a problem when the SHTF. The Medalist® Silvermax™ line of underwear contains threads impregnated with 99.9% silver that inhibit bacterial growth which causes odor. It’s a little more expensive but worth it.
One of the most important pieces of field gear you can have are GI issue Goggles. The ESS Land Ops are approved for wear over prescription glasses and will protect your eyes from flying debris, branches, etc.
(4) Wool German Army Surplus Blankets 80" x 82"
(4) Wool Blend Blankets 60” x 80”
(2) Emergency Plastic Foil Blankets 52” X 84”
You can’t have too many high quality blankets. These are a life and death essential and will be high value trade items.
Insect & Vermin Control
(4) packs D-Con Mouse Killer
(4) 12 pk Mouse Proof Mouse Poison
(2) 5lb Buckets Boric Acid (For roaches, fleas, ants, etc)
Boric Acid, also sold as “roach proof” works by dehydrating and kills roaches, ants, silverfish, etc. Sprinkle under cabinets, on carpets, etc. Do not put where babies could eat because it could fatally dehydrate them. Boric acid once applied basically lasts forever.
Insect Repellant
(4) Bottles Muskol Insect Repellent
(8) 24oz. Spray Bottles Sawyer Permethrin Insect Repellent
(2) 200”x72” GI Mosquito Nets
Permethrin insect repellant is for clothes not skin, and lasts weeks and lasts thru up to six washings. It's basically the same stuff they use in cut/dog flea collars. If you live in an area with a lot of mosquitoes and/or deer flies, you may want to stock more insect repellant because your life with likely be a living hell without it.
Permethrin can also be used in small amounts combed thru hair for lice and misted on mattress to kill bed bugs.
Fire Starters
(2) Doan Magnesium Fire Starters
(4) Swedish Firesteel Army Fire Starters
(4) 7 X 10” Plastic Fresnel Lens (Fire starters)
(48) Djeep disposable lighters
Djeep disposable lighters cost a little more than a Bic but the Djeep is larger than a Bic and last 2-3 times as long as a Bic. Djeep’s also have an adjustable flame (the new Bics don’t) and a much larger thumb press.
Flashlights & Candles
(2) Surefire U2 LED 2-cell (CR123A) flashlights, 2-100 Lumen
(2) Surefire V91 Holsters
(2) EagleTac T10C2 2-cell (CR123A) flashlights, 65-295 Lumen
(1) Maglite LED 3-cell (D) flashlight
The Surefire U2 flashlight is expensive ($240) and only about as long as the palm of your hand but on it highest setting it's WAY brighter than a Maglite. Surefire U2 uses CR123A Lithium Batteries. The CR123A batteries are smaller than C-cells (a box of a dozen CR123A batteries will fit in the palm of you hand) and have a shelf life > 10 years.
The U2 has 5 different levels of brightness. On its highest setting (100 lumens) the U2 will blind you to the point you can't hardly see anything but a big green spot for several hours if you look in the beam. But where the Surefire U2 really shines is on its lowest setting (2 lumens). This setting throws enough light to find your way around in a dark house. Better yet, on its lowest setting, the U2 battery life is 40+ hours.
Some other high quality 2-cell CR123A powered LED flashlights include the EagleTac T10C2 ($66.50). The EagleTac T10C2 has two levels of brightness. The high setting produces 295 lumens (3x brighter than the U2). But this increased brightness comes at the cost of shorter battery life (1.2 hours at 295 lumens). The low setting produces 60 lumens for 10 hours.
The best place to learn about the different types of LED Flashlights is at
(96) Surefire CR123A batteries
(120) Battery Station CR123A batteries
(72) Energizer D-Cell Batteries, exp. 2015
(36) Energizer AA Batteries, exp. 2015
(64) Energizer L91 E2 Lithium AA Batteries, exp. 2020
(2) Portable Solar Panels w/internal lithium Ion battery. 4.5v, 5.5v,
6.5v, 9v supply.
(1) 20000 mA/H (74W/h) Portable Solar Panel w/internal lithium Ion
Battery, 5v/500ma USB, 16v, 18v, 22v, 24v (all 3000mA max)
Portable solar panels w/internal lithium ion batteries are now available on EBAY. Just search on portable solar. Intended for IPOD’s and cell phones, any of the 5.5v units will work with small 6v radios.
Cook Stoves and Fuel
(1) Global Sun Solar Oven
(24) Nuwick 120-hour candles
(3) Single Burner Folding Stoves (For Nuwick Candles)
(1) SVEA single burner stove
(1) Coleman 2 Burner Dual Fuel Camp Stove
(1) Coleman Apollo Dual Fuel Backpacking/Hiking Stove
(1) 3.5gpm Mr. Funnel Fuel Filter
(1) Bayou 185,000 BTU Propane Burner
(5) 20lb tanks of Propane
(12) 1gal. Cans Coleman Fuel (White Gas)
(1) 32oz. Bottle Stabil Gas Stabilizer
(2) 5gal. Jug unleaded gasoline w/stabil
The 3.5gpm Mr. Funnel Fuel Filter will actually removes water and other contaminants from fuel. Water and debris will not pass through the filter’s fluoropolymer-coated stainless steel filter.
For long-term storage, invest in the new fiberglass 20lb propane tanks.
They don’t rust and you can see the level of the fuel inside them.
Pots, Pans & Utensils
(2) Swing-A-Way Hand Can Openers
(50) P-51 Military Can Openers (Trade Item)
(1) TSM #10 Stainless Steel Hand Powered Meat Grinder
(1) Grainmaker Grain Mill (1+ cup per minute)
(1) 5 cup stainless steel sifter
(2) Zassenhaus Coffee Grinders
(2) Lodge 8-Inch Cast-Iron Meat Rack/Trivet
(2) Lodge 6qt. 12” dia. Cast Iron Dutch Ovens
(1) Lodge 8qt. 12” dia. Deep Cast Iron Dutch Oven
(1) Lodge 10qt. 14” dia. Deep Cast Iron Dutch Over
(1) Lodge Camp Dutch Oven Tripod 43” w/ carrying case
(2) Lodge Camp Dutch Oven Tripods 60” w/carrying case
(1) Lodge Cast Iron 2 Burner Griddle 20 by 10-1/2 inches
(2) Lodge Cast Iron Dutch Oven Lid Lifters
(2) Lodge Cast Iron Dutch Oven Lid Stands
(1) Lodge red leather gloves
(2) Cabela’s Stainless Steel 14 cup Camp Coffee Pots w/carrying case
(1) Cabela’s Stainless Steel 28 cup Camp Coffee Pot w/carrying case
(1) Griswold #6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 Cast Iron Skillets
(1) 1-1/2-quart CorningWare Onyx Round Casserole w/lid for solar oven
(1) 2-1/2-quart CorningWare Onyx Round Casserole w/lid for solar oven
(110) Chinet 8 ¾” paper plates
(96) Chinet 10 3/8” paper plates
Lodge makes good Dutch ovens, camp tripods, and griddles, but when it comes to skillets (frying pans), look for early Griswold #8, #9, or #10 skillets.
These skillets can be on found on EBAY for $30 to $100.00+.
These skillets can be on found on EBAY for $30 to $100.00+.
I prefer the early Griswold skillets that were simply marked “ERIE” on the bottom The bottom will also be marked with a number designating the size and sometimes a part number (716A, etc) and/or a makers mark which can be a little crescent moon, boat anchor, flag, etc. These pans are over 100 years old.
Later Griswold skillets made in the 20’s and 30’s will usually have a Griswold cross inside of a circle logo.
Griswold pans were made differently than the sand cast pans made today. The bottom of the old Griswold pans was machined flat and is smooth as a mirror and the early ones were made from the last of the "Bog Iron", mined from the shores of Lake Erie.
Cabela’s stainless steel camp coffee pots are very nice. Best camp coffee pot you can buy IMHO.
A hand powered grain mill is a high dollar investment. A good one will set you back about $450.00. But with a mill you can grind dried corn into grits or corn meal, and whole wheat into flour. Whole wheat can be purchased cheaply (50lb bags) and it lasts pretty much forever as long as you keep it moisture and rodents away for it.
(1) 1943 Joy of Cooking Cookbook
(2) The Forager's Harvest: A Guide to Identifying, Harvesting, and Preparing Edible Wild Plants
(1) PDR Nurse's Drug Handbook: 2008
The early Joy of Cooking cookbooks from the 40’s and 50’s include depression era recipes for cooking things like squirrel, possum, deer, etc. These cookbooks were printed by the millions and can be found all the time on EBAY.
Guides to edible plants are available for the different regions of the Continental United States and Alaska. This is a book you do not want to be without. You may want to order a spare in case one gets lost.
Food Storage
(100) Oxygen Absorbers for Freeze Dried, Dehydrated Food
(100) Mylar bags 5gal size 20” x 31”
(16) 5 gal. plastic buckets with gamma seal lids
(1) 16 oz. bag Bay Leaf (for use in stored flour, rice, etc for insects)
(30) 1gal. Ziploc Storage Bags
(1) Wintersteiger Ski Snowboard Wax Iron (for sealing mylar bags)
For storing flour, rice, grain, pasta, etc it’s hard to beat 5 gallon food grade plastic bucket with screw off gamma seal lids. You can find these on most sites that sell survival food supplies.
The technique I used is to put a 5-gallon Mylar bag in the bucket and then fill them, stopping about every 3-4 inches and sprinkling 6-12 Bay leaves. You can then toss in a couple oxygen absorbers and seal the Mylar bag and you are good to go.
You can get the BAY leaves off EBAY. A 16 oz. bag goes a long way.
For an extra measure of safety, you can freeze the buckets to make sure you have killed any bug larva.
Gardening & Gardening Tools
(1) #10 Can Garden Seeds
(2) Garden Hoes
(1) Small Garden Spade
Keep the #10 can of Garden Seeds in your refrigerator.
Water Storage & Water Purification
(1) Katadyn TRK Drip Gravidyn Microfilter (39,000 gal.) – 1 gal. per hour
(2) Katadyn Pocket Micro Water Filter (13,000 gal.) – 1 liter min
(2) Katadyn Pocket Micro Water Replacement Filters
(6) Bottles Water Preserver Concentrate (Treats 55 gal. Per bottle)
(1000) Aquatabs water purification tablets (1 liter tablets)
(5) Plastic Water Cans, 5 gallon, US G.I. Desert Sand
Do not ignore water purification! Bad water will likely kill more people when SHTF than anything. People will be drinking out of ditches and ponds contaminated Cholera, Typhoid fever, Dysentery, etc. Clean drinking water should be your #1 priority.
(45) 1 liter bottles bottled water (for the bottles more than for the water)
It is very difficult to store enough water to supply a family for more than a few weeks at best. You need to find a source of water and a way to purify it NOW.
If you live in an area with frequent rainfall (once a week on average) and you do not have gutters, get them installed now. Roof runoff is an easy source of relatively clean water and large volumes of water can be stored in plastic lined rectangular pits. In order to roof them with widely available materials such as ordinary plywood or small poles (to reduce loses due to evaporation), the pits should be dug no wider than 3 feet. For example, a pit: 8 feet long, 27 inches wide, and 30 inches deep, lined with a 10-foot-wide sheet of 4-mil polyethylene. The edges of this plastic sheet can be held in place by placing them in shallow trenches dug near the sides of the pit and covering them with earth.
If you live in an area with a shallow water table, get a well and hand pump put down. In some areas a 6’ foot hole in the ground will accumulate water. Walking miles every day to get water post SHTF is NOT a viable option.
Coffee & Tea
(6) 2lb 7oz cans Maxwell House Medium Coffee (14.62lbs)
(12) 39oz cans Tim Horton’s Coffee (29.25lbs)
(12) 19oz cans Costa Rican Green Coffee Beans (14.25lbs)
(24) 20 bag cans canned tea bags (480 bags)
Try and find 39oz coffee in metal cans with metal lids (not the peel off foil lids).
It will keep much longer than Coffee that comes in plastic containers.
Another option would be to get vacuum packed ‘bricks’, put them in a Mylar
Bag in a 5-gallon bucket; throw a handful of oxygen absorbers in with them,
Seal the Mylar bag, then seal the bucket.
You can also buy green beans, and put these in a Mylar bag, add Oxygen
Absorbers, and seal. Green beans will stay fresh for years but they do have to be roasted and that requires fuel.
(2) #10 Provident Pantry Freeze Dried Peas (48 servings)
(32) 15oz cans Delmonte whole corn
(4) 14 ¾ oz cans Delmonte White Creamed Corn
(24) 15oz cans Hunt’s tomato paste
(8) 14.5oz cans Hunt’s Diced tomatoes
(8) 15oz cans Lesueur early peas
(4) 15oz cans Delmonte Sweet Peas
(4) 39oz cans Hanover cut Green beans and Whole Potatoes
(6) #10 cans Provident Pantry Tomato Powder
(4) 15oz Margaret Holmes’s Field Peas & Snaps
(2) 40oz Canned Yams
I have read from more than one source than canned Tomato Paste & Dice Tomatoes will eat through metal cans after a year or two. All the more reason to get #10 cans of Tomato Powder.
(4) 15oz cans Delmonte Sliced Peaches
(16) 15oz cans Delmonte Mandarin Oranges
Pasta Sauces
(3) 32oz jars Classico Pasta Sauce
(4) 26oz jars Ragu Pasta Sauce
(4) 3lb jars Prego Traditional Pasta Sauce
(2) 24oz jars Paul Newman’s Own Pasta Sauce
(3) 26.5oz cans Hunts Pasta Sauce with meat
(4) 26.5oz cans Hunts Meat Flavored Spaghetti sauce
(4) 26oz cans Hunts Four Cheese Spaghetti sauce
Grains, Bread, Cereals, and pastas
(8) #10 cans Mountain House White Rice (18 cups per can)
(6) #10 Mountain House Sweet & Sour Pork w/Rice(10.5 cups per can)
(2) #10 Mountain House Rice & Chicken (8 cups per can)
(1) #10 Mountain House Chicken Teriyaki W/Rice (9.5 cups)
(6) #10 Mountain House Spaghetti W/Meat Sauce (10 cups per can)
(8) #10 Mountain House Macaroni & Cheese (10 cups per can)
(2) #10 Mountain House Beef Stroganoff W/Noodles (10 cups per can)
(6) #10 Mountain House Lasasgna w/meat & Sauce (10 cups per can)
(2) #10 Mountain House Pasta Primavera (9.0 cups per can)
(12) 10 ¾ oz cans Campbell’s Chicken Noodle Soup
(4) 26oz cans Campell’s Chicken with Rice Soup
(30) 15oz cans Chef Boyardee Spaghetti & Meatballs (28lbs)
(2) 4.5lb boxes Quaker Oats (100 servings)
(8) 3.25lb Boxes Potato Flakes (26 lb)
(12) 24oz cans Honeyville Instant Dried Potato Flakes (18 lbs)
(1) 28lbs elbow macaroni
(1) 34lbs Spaghetti
(1) 60lb All Purpose Flour
(1) 225lb White Rice (In 5 gal. Plastic Buckets)
(1) 400lb white wheat (In 6 gal. Plastic Buckets)
(1) 1lb pack #1 Fleischmann’s yeast
(2) 7oz. cans baking powder
(2) #10 Provident Pantry Double Acting Baking Powder (10 lbs)
Baking Powder is a faster rising substitute for yeast in biscuits, etc.
Meat & Protein
(2) #10 cans Mountain House Precooked Eggs W/Ham (10 cups per can)
(1) #10 cans Mountain House Eggs & Bacon (10 cups per can)
(6) #10 cans of Honeyville powdered eggs (approx. 540 eggs)
(144) 5oz cans Vienna Sausages (45lbs)
(27) 12oz cans SPAM Oven Roasted Turkey (20.25 lbs)
(48) 12oz cans SPAM canned meat (36 lbs)
(24) 14oz cans Swanson Chicken Broth
(4) 10oz cans Atlantic Salmon
(8) 6oz cans Blacktop Pink Salmon
(10) 6oz. cans Starkist Chunk Tuna
(16) 16.5oz cans Bush’s Baked Beans
(18) 28oz cans Bush’s Baked Beans
(10) 15oz. cans Hormel Chili with Beans
(6) 15oz. cans Armour Corned Beef Hash
(1) 8lb Dried Red Kidney Beans
(1) 8lb Dried Black Eyed Peas
(1) 8lb Dried Lima Beans
(132) 7.75oz cans Beannie Weanees (64 lbs)
(36) 9oz. cans Yoder’s canned Bacon (20.25 lbs)
(12) 28oz. cans Yoder’s cooked hamburger (21 lbs)
(12) 28oz. cans Yoder’s cooked pork sausage (21 lbs)
(12) 28oz. cans Yoder’s cooked pork chunks (21 lbs)
(12) 28oz. cans Yoder’s cooked beef chunks (21 lbs)
(24) 14.5oz cans Grandma Werling’s cooked Barbeque Pork (23 lbs)
(20) Mayday 3600 Calorie Food Rations (72,000 Calories)
(2) 3.4lb can of Planters Peanuts
(2) 40oz. jars Jif Peanut Butter
(8) cans Carnation evaporated milk
(2) #10 cans Honeyville powdered buttermilk
(6) #10 cans Honeyville powdered Milk Substitute (144 quarts)
(2) 30oz. cans Monterey Jack canned cheese (3.75 lbs)
(60) 8oz cans Red Feather Processed Cheese (30 lbs)
Fats & Oils
(4) 1 gal. Jugs Mazola Corn Oil
(2) #10 cans Crisco
(24) Red Feather canned butter (3 sticks per can)
(2) 9oz cans PAM cooking spray
Note: Corn oil has a shelf life of about 2 years before it goes rancid but Crisco has a shelf life of 3-5 years.
(2) 5lb bottle honey (10lb)
(1) 7lb bag brown sugar
(1) 60lb white sugar
(2) 32oz jars Welch’s Concord Grape Jelly
(8) 2lb jars Knott’s Berry Farm Strawberry Preserves (16lbs)
(12) 24oz. jars Grandma’s Original Molasses (18lbs)
(1) 500mg. ‘fish’ Amoxicillin 100 Capsules
(1) 250mg. ‘fish’ Cephalexin 100 Capsules
(3) 500mg. ‘fish’ Cephalexin 100 Capsules
(1) 250mg. ‘fish’ Penicillin 100 Capsules
(3) 500mg. ‘fish’ Penicillin 100 Capsules
(1) 500mg. ‘fish’ Metronidazole 100 Tablets
(2) 500mg. ‘fish’ Ciprofloxacin 100 Tablets
(3) 1.5oz tube ‘dog’ Terramycin Eye Ointment
(3) 1lb. blocks Bees Wax
(144) Neosporin Triple Antibiotic Ointment Packets
(12) 1.75oz SQ Blood Stop “Quick Clot” Packs
(12) Dermabond Topical Skin Adhesive
(3) Celox-A Blood Coagulent 35 gram (1.25 oz) Packets
(3) Celox-A Applicator Plunger Sets with 6g Celox
(8) 85mg. KI03 Potassium Iodate nuclear anti-radiation 200 pills
(1) Bayer Aspirin 325mg - 400 tablets
(1) 200mg. Advil – 350 tablets
(2) 10oz bottles Nyquil
(280) N95 Respirator Masks
(80) 3M 8511 N95 Masks
(2) Imodium A-D Anti Diarrhea 48 pills
(72) pouches of 2 caplets Imodium A-D
(6) UNISOM (Doxylamine Succinate) 25mg - 48 tablets
(2) 25mg Benadryl 124 tablets
(1) Snake bite kit
(1) Dental First Aid Kit
(1) tube Orajel
(4) 3.53oz jars Vick’s VapoRub
(2) 16oz. Hydrogen Peroxide
(4) Ace Instant Cold Compress
(2) 32oz. Bottles Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol 70%
(8) 85mg. KI03 Potassium Iodate nuclear anti-radiation 200 pills
(1) ENI CDV-700 6B Geiger Counter (re-capped & calibrated)
(1) Landers Frary & Clark CDV-715 Radiation Survey Meter
(1) 1 lb. bottle Powdered Zinc Oxide USP
(1) 8 oz. bottle RITE-DENT Eugenol USP
Many commonly prescribed antibiotics are available without a prescription for use in pet shop & home aquariums. Note that some antibiotics are easily inactivated by gastric acid. Tablets of these types of antibiotics are coated with a special enteric coating that allows the tablet to pass thru the stomach and dissolve in the small intestine. “Fish” antibiotic tablets, while they may be the same dosage as human antibiotics, are intended to dissolve in an aquarium, and will not have the special coating. Bee’s wax was used as an enteric coating many years ago.
Hello All,
I think this is the list that you were looking for.
I found it on another site.
Good Luck!!!!
Where ever you plan to be when TSHTF you'll need more than a hole in the ground to survive.
I've been seriously prepping since about this time last year. I got into prepping because of the Bird Flu scare but it's really more than that. I just have a deep down feeling that something bad is coming.
I'm not sure what it is. Pandemic, 2012, Planet X, Global Warming, Global Cooling, Nuclear Terrorism,
Economic meltdown, civil unrest... In short, there's just too many storm clouds on the horizon NOT to be prepared.
So for you reading ammusment, here's my list of preps. I'm not done yet but I do think I am over the hump. It's been a massive undertaking putting all this stuff togather over the last year. Maybe some of you just getting started can benefit from some of the research that went behind putting this togather.
I am currently located in the suburbs about 15 miles out on the edge of a mid sized city.
Not the best place to be but I am on a small lake and I have a spring fed stream in the backyard and I'm only a few miles from open farmland. Currently looking for 40 or so acres close enough in to be able to commute to work but far enough out to be out of the suburbs. Also have access to a large family owned farm several hours away if things fall apart before I can get some land of my own.
“2012” Stocks
General Survival & Utility
(1) 700 yards 12lb monofilament line
(12) rolls 1.88” x 35yrd Gorilla brand black duct tape
(2) 10’ x 25’ 4mil Clear Plastic Sheeting
(2) 10’ x 25’ 4mil Black Plastic Sheeting
(1) 1200ft. Spool Type III 550 Para Cord
(3) Pair Leather Work Gloves
(300) Microflex Midnight Nitrile Black Gloves Medium
(300) Microflex Midnight Nitrile Black Gloves Large
(2) Kidde 3-A:40-B:C Fire Extinguishers
Leather work gloves will be essential, especially if you are not used to hard manual labor. Blisters and splinters are the last thing you need to deal with post SHTF.
Gorilla brand duct tape is much better than generic duct tape. It costs a little more but it’s worth it.
Fire will be a major danger when TSHTF. People will be using candles and oil lanterns, etc. Make sure you have a stock of 9v batteries for smoke alarms and at least several large fire extinguishers.
(1) 21” Bow Saw w/extra blades
(1) Shovel, round point
(1) Shovel, square point
(1) Claw Hammer
(1) Handsaw, crosscut
(1) Axe, single blade
(1) Pick Axe
(1) Maul
(1) Large Crowbar
(1) Ladder
(1) 4lb Hand Sledge Hammer
(1) Cold Chisel
(1) Diamond Honing Block Knife sharpener
(1) Nicholson 8” Axe File
(1) Set of Phillips head Screwdrivers (Large, Med, Small)
(1) Set of Flat head Screwdrivers (Large, Med, Small)
(1) Set of Allen wrenches
(1) Socket Set w/ratchets
(1) Razor Knife w/100 spare blades
Get the best heavy-duty shovels, hoes, axes, etc you can find. Look for "commercial grade" with the synthetic handles.
A Bow Saw is a must have item. A bow saw will allow you to cut your own firewood with much less effort than an axe. Don’t forget replacement blades.
For a ladder, you can't beat a Little Giant folding ladder. Overbuilt to the extreme, it works as a stepladder or an adjustable straight ladder tall enough to get onto most roofs.
The Little Giant ladders frame is also wider at the ends so it's much more stable than a regular straight ladder. This is important because a broken leg or worse could easily be fatal in without access to medical care.
A good mill file will make quick work of sharpening axes and machetes. Try and fine the 8” Nicholson axe file with the built-in handle.
Self Defense, Hunting & Fishing
Gun Safe
Guns & Ammo
(3) Bridger 1.65 offset 4x4 MODIFIED Steel traps
(1) 100 feet #2 straight link chain for traps, trapping
(48) Berkshire Cable Stakes for traps
(1) Cable Stake Driver for traps
(1) 1lb Trap Wax
(1) 700 yards 12lb monofilament line
(500) #8 Bait Holder Fish Hooks (Bream Hooks)
(1) 1500 Yards Powerpro Green 15lb Braided Fishing Line
(1) Small Plano Tackle Box
(6) Small Styrofoam Clip On Bobbers
(80) 3/0 Removable Lead Split Shot
(500) #8 Bait Holder Fish Hooks (Bream Hooks)
(2) 12’x4’ Gill Nets
(4) 150’ Magic Bait Big Catch Trotlines w/25 4/0 Hooks
(200) 4/0 Mustad O'Shaughnessy Stainless Steel Fish Hooks
(144) #1 Brass Barrel Swivels
(2) Ugly Stick Lite Pro 5’ rods w/Daiwa Regal-XiA 1000 Spinning Reels (panfishing)
Steel traps will be useful when TSHTF for catching wild dogs and cats. Can also be used to catch Racoons, Foxes, Bobcats, Coyotes, etc.
Field Gear
(2) ESS Land Ops Tactical Military Foliage Grn Goggles
(1) Woodland Camo ECWCS Gortex Parka – XL/R
(2) Woodland Camo ECWCS Gortex Trousers L/R
(1) Woodland Camo BDU Field Jacket w/liner, XL/R
(1) Woodland Camo BDU Shirt, XL/L
(1) Woodland Camo BDU Pants, L/R
(2) Woodland Camo Boonie Hats, size 7 ¼
(1) Woodland Camo Boonie Hat, size 7 ½
(1) Pair GI Jungle Boots, Black Upper, size 9 ½ W
(1) Pair Hi-tech Magnum Combat Boots, Black, size 10
(3) Pair Boot Laces
(1) Black Web belt
(2) USMC Pistol Web Belts, OD
(1) Black Plastic canteen w/black cover
(2) Ka-BAR 1281 D2 steel Combat Knifes w/sheath
(2) Pair black leather gloves
(7) Pair Heavy Wool Socks
(2) Pair Rag Wool Gloves
(2) Emergency Hooded Ponchos
(1) GI Folding Shovel
(2) Ontario Knife 18” Machetes/w Sheaths US GI 6145
(1) Map Compass
(2) US Army Surplus MOLLE II Patrol Pack Backpack Woodland
(2) Camelbak Thermobak Omega 3L Multicam Molle USGI NEW
(3) Poncho, U.S. G.I., Ripstop
(2) Tubes Loam / Light Green Camo Face Paint
(2) Tubes Olive/ Black Camo Face Paint
(2) ALTA Tactical Superflex Knee Pads Woodland Camo
(12) Pair G.I. boxer shorts OD
(2) Medalist® Silvermax™ 97% polyester, 3% -X-static silver fiber, Lightweight
Short Sleeve Tee Shirt, Black, XL
(4) Pair Medalist® Silvermax™ 97% polyester, 3% -X-static silver fiber,
Lightweight 9” Tube Sock, Black, L
(4) Pair Medalist® Silvermax™ 97% polyester, 3% -X-static silver fiber,
Performance Boxer Briefs, Black, XL
I believe that in the event TSHTF that every able-bodied man should be prepared to defend his family and community from the threat of looters, etc.
Try and stock at least 2 sets of BDU’s and 2 pair of good boots. It’s a good idea to wear the boots just enough to break them in before putting them into your
For woodland camo, you are much better off with classic US Woodland Camo than the Army’s new ACUPAT (ARPAT) camo.
Without large, contrasting features, ARPAT tends to simply blend into a solid, grayish-green color at distance. This doesn't happen only at 200 yards, but rather at around 30-50 yards. Thus, the outline remains very distinctive and rather easy to put a front sight onto as well.
ARPAT was designed on the misconception that "There is no black in nature, and thus should be none in camo". The fact is, a lot of nature is perceived by the eye to be black when seen at 15 or more yards. Shadows, dark trees, certain bits of dirt, etc. Shadows especially are important, and black in a pattern simulates receded areas by giving the impression of shadow. ARPAT designers removed black based on the above misconception.
Some other woodland camo you might want to look at is German Flecktarn, or my favorite, Canadian CADPAT.
A machete can be an incredibly useful item. Look for USGI issue Ontario Knife 18” with OD or Black Hard Plastic Sheath with built-in sharper. GI Issue hard plastic sheaths are harder to find than the GI issue machetes but worth finding.
Hygiene will be a problem when the SHTF. The Medalist® Silvermax™ line of underwear contains threads impregnated with 99.9% silver that inhibit bacterial growth which causes odor. It’s a little more expensive but worth it.
One of the most important pieces of field gear you can have are GI issue Goggles. The ESS Land Ops are approved for wear over prescription glasses and will protect your eyes from flying debris, branches, etc.
(4) Wool German Army Surplus Blankets 80" x 82"
(4) Wool Blend Blankets 60” x 80”
(2) Emergency Plastic Foil Blankets 52” X 84”
You can’t have too many high quality blankets. These are a life and death essential and will be high value trade items.
Insect & Vermin Control
(4) packs D-Con Mouse Killer
(4) 12 pk Mouse Proof Mouse Poison
(2) 5lb Buckets Boric Acid (For roaches, fleas, ants, etc)
Boric Acid, also sold as “roach proof” works by dehydrating and kills roaches, ants, silverfish, etc. Sprinkle under cabinets, on carpets, etc. Do not put where babies could eat because it could fatally dehydrate them. Boric acid once applied basically lasts forever.
Insect Repellant
(4) Bottles Muskol Insect Repellent
(8) 24oz. Spray Bottles Sawyer Permethrin Insect Repellent
(2) 200”x72” GI Mosquito Nets
Permethrin insect repellant is for clothes not skin, and lasts weeks and lasts thru up to six washings. It's basically the same stuff they use in cut/dog flea collars. If you live in an area with a lot of mosquitoes and/or deer flies, you may want to stock more insect repellant because your life with likely be a living hell without it.
Permethrin can also be used in small amounts combed thru hair for lice and misted on mattress to kill bed bugs.
Fire Starters
(2) Doan Magnesium Fire Starters
(4) Swedish Firesteel Army Fire Starters
(4) 7 X 10” Plastic Fresnel Lens (Fire starters)
(48) Djeep disposable lighters
Djeep disposable lighters cost a little more than a Bic but the Djeep is larger than a Bic and last 2-3 times as long as a Bic. Djeep’s also have an adjustable flame (the new Bics don’t) and a much larger thumb press.
Flashlights & Candles
(2) Surefire U2 LED 2-cell (CR123A) flashlights, 2-100 Lumen
(2) Surefire V91 Holsters
(2) EagleTac T10C2 2-cell (CR123A) flashlights, 65-295 Lumen
(1) Maglite LED 3-cell (D) flashlight
The Surefire U2 flashlight is expensive ($240) and only about as long as the palm of your hand but on it highest setting it's WAY brighter than a Maglite. Surefire U2 uses CR123A Lithium Batteries. The CR123A batteries are smaller than C-cells (a box of a dozen CR123A batteries will fit in the palm of you hand) and have a shelf life > 10 years.
The U2 has 5 different levels of brightness. On its highest setting (100 lumens) the U2 will blind you to the point you can't hardly see anything but a big green spot for several hours if you look in the beam. But where the Surefire U2 really shines is on its lowest setting (2 lumens). This setting throws enough light to find your way around in a dark house. Better yet, on its lowest setting, the U2 battery life is 40+ hours.
Some other high quality 2-cell CR123A powered LED flashlights include the EagleTac T10C2 ($66.50). The EagleTac T10C2 has two levels of brightness. The high setting produces 295 lumens (3x brighter than the U2). But this increased brightness comes at the cost of shorter battery life (1.2 hours at 295 lumens). The low setting produces 60 lumens for 10 hours.
The best place to learn about the different types of LED Flashlights is at
(96) Surefire CR123A batteries
(120) Battery Station CR123A batteries
(72) Energizer D-Cell Batteries, exp. 2015
(36) Energizer AA Batteries, exp. 2015
(64) Energizer L91 E2 Lithium AA Batteries, exp. 2020
(2) Portable Solar Panels w/internal lithium Ion battery. 4.5v, 5.5v,
6.5v, 9v supply.
(1) 20000 mA/H (74W/h) Portable Solar Panel w/internal lithium Ion
Battery, 5v/500ma USB, 16v, 18v, 22v, 24v (all 3000mA max)
Portable solar panels w/internal lithium ion batteries are now available on EBAY. Just search on portable solar. Intended for IPOD’s and cell phones, any of the 5.5v units will work with small 6v radios.
Cook Stoves and Fuel
(1) Global Sun Solar Oven
(24) Nuwick 120-hour candles
(3) Single Burner Folding Stoves (For Nuwick Candles)
(1) SVEA single burner stove
(1) Coleman 2 Burner Dual Fuel Camp Stove
(1) Coleman Apollo Dual Fuel Backpacking/Hiking Stove
(1) 3.5gpm Mr. Funnel Fuel Filter
(1) Bayou 185,000 BTU Propane Burner
(5) 20lb tanks of Propane
(12) 1gal. Cans Coleman Fuel (White Gas)
(1) 32oz. Bottle Stabil Gas Stabilizer
(2) 5gal. Jug unleaded gasoline w/stabil
The 3.5gpm Mr. Funnel Fuel Filter will actually removes water and other contaminants from fuel. Water and debris will not pass through the filter’s fluoropolymer-coated stainless steel filter.
For long-term storage, invest in the new fiberglass 20lb propane tanks.
They don’t rust and you can see the level of the fuel inside them.
Pots, Pans & Utensils
(2) Swing-A-Way Hand Can Openers
(50) P-51 Military Can Openers (Trade Item)
(1) TSM #10 Stainless Steel Hand Powered Meat Grinder
(1) Grainmaker Grain Mill (1+ cup per minute)
(1) 5 cup stainless steel sifter
(2) Zassenhaus Coffee Grinders
(2) Lodge 8-Inch Cast-Iron Meat Rack/Trivet
(2) Lodge 6qt. 12” dia. Cast Iron Dutch Ovens
(1) Lodge 8qt. 12” dia. Deep Cast Iron Dutch Oven
(1) Lodge 10qt. 14” dia. Deep Cast Iron Dutch Over
(1) Lodge Camp Dutch Oven Tripod 43” w/ carrying case
(2) Lodge Camp Dutch Oven Tripods 60” w/carrying case
(1) Lodge Cast Iron 2 Burner Griddle 20 by 10-1/2 inches
(2) Lodge Cast Iron Dutch Oven Lid Lifters
(2) Lodge Cast Iron Dutch Oven Lid Stands
(1) Lodge red leather gloves
(2) Cabela’s Stainless Steel 14 cup Camp Coffee Pots w/carrying case
(1) Cabela’s Stainless Steel 28 cup Camp Coffee Pot w/carrying case
(1) Griswold #6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 Cast Iron Skillets
(1) 1-1/2-quart CorningWare Onyx Round Casserole w/lid for solar oven
(1) 2-1/2-quart CorningWare Onyx Round Casserole w/lid for solar oven
(110) Chinet 8 ¾” paper plates
(96) Chinet 10 3/8” paper plates
Lodge makes good Dutch ovens, camp tripods, and griddles, but when it comes to skillets (frying pans), look for early Griswold #8, #9, or #10 skillets.
These skillets can be on found on EBAY for $30 to $100.00+.
I prefer the early Griswold skillets that were simply marked “ERIE” on the bottom The bottom will also be marked with a number designating the size and sometimes a part number (716A, etc) and/or a makers mark which can be a little crescent moon, boat anchor, flag, etc. These pans are over 100 years old.
Later Griswold skillets made in the 20’s and 30’s will usually have a Griswold cross inside of a circle logo.
Griswold pans were made differently than the sand cast pans made today. The bottom of the old Griswold pans was machined flat and is smooth as a mirror and the early ones were made from the last of the "Bog Iron", mined from the shores of Lake Erie.
Cabela’s stainless steel camp coffee pots are very nice. Best camp coffee pot you can buy IMHO.
A hand powered grain mill is a high dollar investment. A good one will set you back about $450.00. But with a mill you can grind dried corn into grits or corn meal, and whole wheat into flour. Whole wheat can be purchased cheaply (50lb bags) and it lasts pretty much forever as long as you keep it moisture and rodents away for it.
(1) 1943 Joy of Cooking Cookbook
(2) The Forager's Harvest: A Guide to Identifying, Harvesting, and Preparing Edible Wild Plants
(1) PDR Nurse's Drug Handbook: 2008
The early Joy of Cooking cookbooks from the 40’s and 50’s include depression era recipes for cooking things like squirrel, possum, deer, etc. These cookbooks were printed by the millions and can be found all the time on EBAY.
Guides to edible plants are available for the different regions of the Continental United States and Alaska. This is a book you do not want to be without. You may want to order a spare in case one gets lost.
Food Storage
(100) Oxygen Absorbers for Freeze Dried, Dehydrated Food
(100) Mylar bags 5gal size 20” x 31”
(16) 5 gal. plastic buckets with gamma seal lids
(1) 16 oz. bag Bay Leaf (for use in stored flour, rice, etc for insects)
(30) 1gal. Ziploc Storage Bags
(1) Wintersteiger Ski Snowboard Wax Iron (for sealing mylar bags)
For storing flour, rice, grain, pasta, etc it’s hard to beat 5 gallon food grade plastic bucket with screw off gamma seal lids. You can find these on most sites that sell survival food supplies.
The technique I used is to put a 5-gallon Mylar bag in the bucket and then fill them, stopping about every 3-4 inches and sprinkling 6-12 Bay leaves. You can then toss in a couple oxygen absorbers and seal the Mylar bag and you are good to go.
You can get the BAY leaves off EBAY. A 16 oz. bag goes a long way.
For an extra measure of safety, you can freeze the buckets to make sure you have killed any bug larva.
Gardening & Gardening Tools
(1) #10 Can Garden Seeds
(2) Garden Hoes
(1) Small Garden Spade
Keep the #10 can of Garden Seeds in your refrigerator.
Water Storage & Water Purification
(1) Katadyn TRK Drip Gravidyn Microfilter (39,000 gal.) – 1 gal. per hour
(2) Katadyn Pocket Micro Water Filter (13,000 gal.) – 1 liter min
(2) Katadyn Pocket Micro Water Replacement Filters
(6) Bottles Water Preserver Concentrate (Treats 55 gal. Per bottle)
(1000) Aquatabs water purification tablets (1 liter tablets)
(5) Plastic Water Cans, 5 gallon, US G.I. Desert Sand
Do not ignore water purification! Bad water will likely kill more people when SHTF than anything. People will be drinking out of ditches and ponds contaminated Cholera, Typhoid fever, Dysentery, etc. Clean drinking water should be your #1 priority.
(45) 1 liter bottles bottled water (for the bottles more than for the water)
It is very difficult to store enough water to supply a family for more than a few weeks at best. You need to find a source of water and a way to purify it NOW.
If you live in an area with frequent rainfall (once a week on average) and you do not have gutters, get them installed now. Roof runoff is an easy source of relatively clean water and large volumes of water can be stored in plastic lined rectangular pits. In order to roof them with widely available materials such as ordinary plywood or small poles (to reduce loses due to evaporation), the pits should be dug no wider than 3 feet. For example, a pit: 8 feet long, 27 inches wide, and 30 inches deep, lined with a 10-foot-wide sheet of 4-mil polyethylene. The edges of this plastic sheet can be held in place by placing them in shallow trenches dug near the sides of the pit and covering them with earth.
If you live in an area with a shallow water table, get a well and hand pump put down. In some areas a 6’ foot hole in the ground will accumulate water. Walking miles every day to get water post SHTF is NOT a viable option.
Coffee & Tea
(6) 2lb 7oz cans Maxwell House Medium Coffee (14.62lbs)
(12) 39oz cans Tim Horton’s Coffee (29.25lbs)
(12) 19oz cans Costa Rican Green Coffee Beans (14.25lbs)
(24) 20 bag cans canned tea bags (480 bags)
Try and find 39oz coffee in metal cans with metal lids (not the peel off foil lids).
It will keep much longer than Coffee that comes in plastic containers.
Another option would be to get vacuum packed ‘bricks’, put them in a Mylar
Bag in a 5-gallon bucket; throw a handful of oxygen absorbers in with them,
Seal the Mylar bag, then seal the bucket.
You can also buy green beans, and put these in a Mylar bag, add Oxygen
Absorbers, and seal. Green beans will stay fresh for years but they do have to be roasted and that requires fuel.
(2) #10 Provident Pantry Freeze Dried Peas (48 servings)
(32) 15oz cans Delmonte whole corn
(4) 14 ¾ oz cans Delmonte White Creamed Corn
(24) 15oz cans Hunt’s tomato paste
(8) 14.5oz cans Hunt’s Diced tomatoes
(8) 15oz cans Lesueur early peas
(4) 15oz cans Delmonte Sweet Peas
(4) 39oz cans Hanover cut Green beans and Whole Potatoes
(6) #10 cans Provident Pantry Tomato Powder
(4) 15oz Margaret Holmes’s Field Peas & Snaps
(2) 40oz Canned Yams
I have read from more than one source than canned Tomato Paste & Dice Tomatoes will eat through metal cans after a year or two. All the more reason to get #10 cans of Tomato Powder.
(4) 15oz cans Delmonte Sliced Peaches
(16) 15oz cans Delmonte Mandarin Oranges
Pasta Sauces
(3) 32oz jars Classico Pasta Sauce
(4) 26oz jars Ragu Pasta Sauce
(4) 3lb jars Prego Traditional Pasta Sauce
(2) 24oz jars Paul Newman’s Own Pasta Sauce
(3) 26.5oz cans Hunts Pasta Sauce with meat
(4) 26.5oz cans Hunts Meat Flavored Spaghetti sauce
(4) 26oz cans Hunts Four Cheese Spaghetti sauce
Grains, Bread, Cereals, and pastas
(8) #10 cans Mountain House White Rice (18 cups per can)
(6) #10 Mountain House Sweet & Sour Pork w/Rice(10.5 cups per can)
(2) #10 Mountain House Rice & Chicken (8 cups per can)
(1) #10 Mountain House Chicken Teriyaki W/Rice (9.5 cups)
(6) #10 Mountain House Spaghetti W/Meat Sauce (10 cups per can)
(8) #10 Mountain House Macaroni & Cheese (10 cups per can)
(2) #10 Mountain House Beef Stroganoff W/Noodles (10 cups per can)
(6) #10 Mountain House Lasasgna w/meat & Sauce (10 cups per can)
(2) #10 Mountain House Pasta Primavera (9.0 cups per can)
(12) 10 ¾ oz cans Campbell’s Chicken Noodle Soup
(4) 26oz cans Campell’s Chicken with Rice Soup
(30) 15oz cans Chef Boyardee Spaghetti & Meatballs (28lbs)
(2) 4.5lb boxes Quaker Oats (100 servings)
(8) 3.25lb Boxes Potato Flakes (26 lb)
(12) 24oz cans Honeyville Instant Dried Potato Flakes (18 lbs)
(1) 28lbs elbow macaroni
(1) 34lbs Spaghetti
(1) 60lb All Purpose Flour
(1) 225lb White Rice (In 5 gal. Plastic Buckets)
(1) 400lb white wheat (In 6 gal. Plastic Buckets)
(1) 1lb pack #1 Fleischmann’s yeast
(2) 7oz. cans baking powder
(2) #10 Provident Pantry Double Acting Baking Powder (10 lbs)
Baking Powder is a faster rising substitute for yeast in biscuits, etc.
Meat & Protein
(2) #10 cans Mountain House Precooked Eggs W/Ham (10 cups per can)
(1) #10 cans Mountain House Eggs & Bacon (10 cups per can)
(6) #10 cans of Honeyville powdered eggs (approx. 540 eggs)
(144) 5oz cans Vienna Sausages (45lbs)
(27) 12oz cans SPAM Oven Roasted Turkey (20.25 lbs)
(48) 12oz cans SPAM canned meat (36 lbs)
(24) 14oz cans Swanson Chicken Broth
(4) 10oz cans Atlantic Salmon
(8) 6oz cans Blacktop Pink Salmon
(10) 6oz. cans Starkist Chunk Tuna
(16) 16.5oz cans Bush’s Baked Beans
(18) 28oz cans Bush’s Baked Beans
(10) 15oz. cans Hormel Chili with Beans
(6) 15oz. cans Armour Corned Beef Hash
(1) 8lb Dried Red Kidney Beans
(1) 8lb Dried Black Eyed Peas
(1) 8lb Dried Lima Beans
(132) 7.75oz cans Beannie Weanees (64 lbs)
(36) 9oz. cans Yoder’s canned Bacon (20.25 lbs)
(12) 28oz. cans Yoder’s cooked hamburger (21 lbs)
(12) 28oz. cans Yoder’s cooked pork sausage (21 lbs)
(12) 28oz. cans Yoder’s cooked pork chunks (21 lbs)
(12) 28oz. cans Yoder’s cooked beef chunks (21 lbs)
(24) 14.5oz cans Grandma Werling’s cooked Barbeque Pork (23 lbs)
(20) Mayday 3600 Calorie Food Rations (72,000 Calories)
(2) 3.4lb can of Planters Peanuts
(2) 40oz. jars Jif Peanut Butter
(8) cans Carnation evaporated milk
(2) #10 cans Honeyville powdered buttermilk
(6) #10 cans Honeyville powdered Milk Substitute (144 quarts)
(2) 30oz. cans Monterey Jack canned cheese (3.75 lbs)
(60) 8oz cans Red Feather Processed Cheese (30 lbs)
Fats & Oils
(4) 1 gal. Jugs Mazola Corn Oil
(2) #10 cans Crisco
(24) Red Feather canned butter (3 sticks per can)
(2) 9oz cans PAM cooking spray
Note: Corn oil has a shelf life of about 2 years before it goes rancid but Crisco has a shelf life of 3-5 years.
(2) 5lb bottle honey (10lb)
(1) 7lb bag brown sugar
(1) 60lb white sugar
(2) 32oz jars Welch’s Concord Grape Jelly
(8) 2lb jars Knott’s Berry Farm Strawberry Preserves (16lbs)
(12) 24oz. jars Grandma’s Original Molasses (18lbs)
(1) 500mg. ‘fish’ Amoxicillin 100 Capsules
(1) 250mg. ‘fish’ Cephalexin 100 Capsules
(3) 500mg. ‘fish’ Cephalexin 100 Capsules
(1) 250mg. ‘fish’ Penicillin 100 Capsules
(3) 500mg. ‘fish’ Penicillin 100 Capsules
(1) 500mg. ‘fish’ Metronidazole 100 Tablets
(2) 500mg. ‘fish’ Ciprofloxacin 100 Tablets
(3) 1.5oz tube ‘dog’ Terramycin Eye Ointment
(3) 1lb. blocks Bees Wax
(144) Neosporin Triple Antibiotic Ointment Packets
(12) 1.75oz SQ Blood Stop “Quick Clot” Packs
(12) Dermabond Topical Skin Adhesive
(3) Celox-A Blood Coagulent 35 gram (1.25 oz) Packets
(3) Celox-A Applicator Plunger Sets with 6g Celox
(8) 85mg. KI03 Potassium Iodate nuclear anti-radiation 200 pills
(1) Bayer Aspirin 325mg - 400 tablets
(1) 200mg. Advil – 350 tablets
(2) 10oz bottles Nyquil
(280) N95 Respirator Masks
(80) 3M 8511 N95 Masks
(2) Imodium A-D Anti Diarrhea 48 pills
(72) pouches of 2 caplets Imodium A-D
(6) UNISOM (Doxylamine Succinate) 25mg - 48 tablets
(2) 25mg Benadryl 124 tablets
(1) Snake bite kit
(1) Dental First Aid Kit
(1) tube Orajel
(4) 3.53oz jars Vick’s VapoRub
(2) 16oz. Hydrogen Peroxide
(4) Ace Instant Cold Compress
(2) 32oz. Bottles Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol 70%
(8) 85mg. KI03 Potassium Iodate nuclear anti-radiation 200 pills
(1) ENI CDV-700 6B Geiger Counter (re-capped & calibrated)
(1) Landers Frary & Clark CDV-715 Radiation Survey Meter
(1) 1 lb. bottle Powdered Zinc Oxide USP
(1) 8 oz. bottle RITE-DENT Eugenol USP
Many commonly prescribed antibiotics are available without a prescription for use in pet shop & home aquariums. Note that some antibiotics are easily inactivated by gastric acid. Tablets of these types of antibiotics are coated with a special enteric coating that allows the tablet to pass thru the stomach and dissolve in the small intestine. “Fish” antibiotic tablets, while they may be the same dosage as human antibiotics, are intended to dissolve in an aquarium, and will not have the special coating. Bee’s wax was used as an enteric coating many years ago.
KI03 Potassium iodate dosage is (2) 85mg. Tablets per day adults, (1) 85mg. Tablet per day children. Spent fuel pools at nuclear reactors have to be chilled else the water in them will evaporate and the fuel rods will melt releasing radioactive radioiodine. The thyroid gland is especially vulnerable to atomic injury since radioactive isotopes of iodine are a major component of fallout. Almost complete (greater than 90%) blocking of peak radioactive iodine uptake by the thyroid gland can be obtained by the oral administration of KI03 Potassium iodate.
The most dangerous type of radioactive iodine decays rapidly. At the end of each 8 day period it gives off only half as much radiation as at the start of that period. So at the end of 80 days it emits only about 111000 as much radiation per hour as at the beginning of these 80 days. Because of this rapid decay, a 100-day supply of potassium iodide should be sufficient if a nuclear war, either overseas or within the United States, were to last no more than a week or two.
KI03 will not do you any good if you don’t know when to take it. Old Civil Defense (CD) Geiger counters / Survey meters are available on EBAY. An important note. Geiger counters (like the CDV-700) measure low levels (but potentially dangerous) levels of radiation like what would likely be encountered from fallout from burning spent fuel rods. Survey meters (like the CDV-715) measure high levels of radiation like what may encountered from fallout from a nuclear bomb.
UNISOM is a sleeping pill. The active ingredient (Doxylamine Succinate) is the same found in liquid Nyquil. When TSHTF you are going to have a lot of stressed out and traumatized people.
Eugenol (Oil of Clove) and Zinc Oxide can be mixed together to form temporary dental fillings.
Disease will be rampant when TSHTF. You will want to stock N95 masks for times when you have to be around other people. N95 grade masks will filter
out viruses like the bird flu. When getting N95 masks look for masks with the small plastic exhalation valve made into the front of the mask (3M 8511). The value allows exhaled air to exit thru the valve instead of thru the cloth so the masks stay dry longer. This is especially important if you were doing heavy physical activity while wearing the mask (running, carrying heavy load, etc).
First Aid Kit
(1) Tactical Trauma First Responder EMT Aid Kit Backpack
(1) Blood pressure cuff kit, adult
(1) Cervical collar
(1) Stethoscope
(1) Pen light
(2) Sutures
(1) First aid book
(8) Pair exam. gloves
(10) Abdominal pad 5”x9”
(6) Safety pins
(2) Casualty blanket 84”x52” Silver/OD
(1) Hand sanitizer 2oz.
(1) Calamine lotion 6oz.
(1) Hand soap
(6) After bite wipes
(1) Sam Splint/Universal splint
(1) 6” elastic bandage
(10) 4” X 4” Sterile sponges
(2) 1” Tape
(2) Blood stopper kit
(5) Eye pad
(2) Triangular bdg. 40”x40”x56”
(16) 1”x3” bandage strip
(5) Butterfly strip
(5) 2”x4” Bandage strip
(10) Knuckle bandage
(2) Ice pack
(1) EMT shears
(2) SS Hemostats
(1) Tweezers
(1) Scalpel handle #3
(2) Scalpel blades
(5) Tongue depressor
(1) CPR mask
(45) Antiseptic wipes
(5) Ammonia inhalants
(2) Airways
(3) Multi Trauma dressing 12” x 30”
(1) Eye wash 4oz.
(10) Triple antibiotic
(5) Burn Aid package
This Tactical Trauma backpack kit is the best kit I was able to find. It’s from one of the major suppliers for our military and most emergency services. Another good kit is the military M17 Medic Kit. It’s not quite as complete as this but still contains over 400 items. You can find these on EBAY.
(3) Centrum Multivitamins 180 tablets
(1) Centrum Multivitamins 250 tablets
(6) Centrum Silver Multivitamins 270 tablets
(2) 16oz. Plastic Bottles Powdered Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)
Multivitamins are good sources of minerals (zinc, manganese, etc). The shelf life of the minerals in multivitamins is pretty much indefinite. However, the shelf life of the vitamins within multivitamins is NOT indefinite.
Vitamin C is especially problematic. The body does not manufacture vitamin C on its own, nor does it store it and natural sources of vitamin C (fresh fruits like strawberries and oranges) are likely to be in short supply when TSHTF.
Without vitamin C you can develop scurvy are die within a matter of months. In times past, scurvy was one of the limiting factors of marine travel, often killing large numbers of the passengers and crew on long-distance voyages.
Buy powdered ascorbic acid, preferably in sealed 1lb. plastic bottles, and store in a cold dark place. The shelf life of unopened ascorbic acid stored in a cool dark place is approx. 5 years (unopened), 1 year once opened. If kept frozen shelf life can be extended to 10+ years.
A pinch of ascorbic acid in a glass of water is equivalent to eating an orange.
If you do find yourself in need of vitamin C, you can chew (or make tea) most any cone-bearing conifer (pine, spruce, etc).
(1) 55lb table Salt
(2) 30oz. Bottles Mustard
(1) 6lb Black Pepper
(3) 44oz. Bottles Ketchup
(2) 15oz Bottles A1 Sauce
(2) 15oz Bottles Lea & Perrin’s Worchester Sauce
(2) 1 gal. Bottles White Vinegar
Salt: When one is sweating heavily and not eating salty food, salt deficiency symptoms especially cramping are likely to develop within a few days. To prevent this, 6 or 8 grams of salt (about 1/4 oz, or 1/2 tablespoon) should be consumed daily in food and drink. If little or no food is eaten, this small daily salt ration should be added to drinking water. Under hot conditions, a little salt makes water taste better.
(8) tubes Colgate Toothpaste
(7) Colgate Toothbrushes
(15) Cans Edge Shaving Gel
(52) Gillette Disposable Razors
(2) 1.5Liter Bottles Listerine
(1410) Q-tips
(96) Bars Ivory Soap
(330) rolls two ply toilet paper
(96) Individual packs wet wipes
(50) Glad 30gal. Trash Bags
(1) Portable Toilet Kit Snap on 5gal. Bucket with snap on Toilet Lid
(200) Plackers dental flossers
(48) 20 count packs Hoo Ahhs 7”x 10” Field Towels (Wipes)
(4) Maxim Antiperspirant
(6) #2 Diva Cup Menstrual Cups
Hot baths will be hard to find when TSHTF. Baby wipes are better than nothing but they are usually scented, small, and not very thick. A better choice would be something like Hoo Ahhs 7” X 10” field towels (
Given the issues with hygiene when TSHTF, you may want to consider stocking up on Maxim antiperspirant. Maxim can be used on underarms, feet, etc. It’s 3 times more expensive that normal antiperspirant but it will completely stops perspiration for days.
A menstrual cup is around two inches long and made from soft silicone rubber. It is worn internally like a tampon but collects menstrual fluid rather than absorbing. Unlike tampons a menstrual cup is not a disposable product, so you only need to buy one. A menstrual cup can last up to 10 years.
(1) Sony ICF-SW7600GR AM/FM Short wave World Band Receiver
(1) Sony AN-LP1 Portable Active Antenna
The Sony ICF-SW7600GR is probably the best portable SW radio you can get.
Keep it in a metal ammo can to protect it from EMP when not in use. Runs on 4 “AA” batteries or 6V DC. Battery life is approx. 40 hours.
Sony ICF-SW7600GR range can be extended with the Sony AN-LP1 active antenna.
Friends & Relatives
There's safety in numbers. If you have relatives or close friends in the same town your chances are probably going to be better surviving together than apart. Decide ahead of time where you will make your stand against the zombie hoards.
Talk NOW and decide where you will make your stand with TSHTF. If possible, pre-position your preps ahead of time. You will be better off with 4 families living together, sleeping on blankets on the floor, than everyone trying to go it alone scattered all over town.
Uncle Joe’s farm that’s 600 miles away is NOT an option. Traveling when TSHTF will be extremely dangerous if not impossible. If you can’t walk there, you’re unlikely to ever get there.
Access to water is probably the most important consideration unless you live somewhere it rains about every day. Walking 3 miles everyday to get water will wear you down. If you don't have gutters, get them and get a fitting to allow you to run the gutter pipe into something like 55gal. plastic drums. Rainwater will be much safer than trying to filter water out of ditches and ponds.
One thing you'll be likely to encounter is that your bother or sister, grown children, lifelong close friend, etc are just are not prepping at all (most people don't) and may even think you are a little nuts for doing so. Yeah they are going to wish they did, and yes it will be too late once they figure that out. They may be sheep but sheep can be useful animals and given the choice of having to face down a dozen starving strangers asking for food by myself or having to face them with a couple armed relatives or close friends, I would chose the later.
50 lb bags of rice don't cost that much (now). So if you don't want to face the zombie hoards alone, you might want to consider stocking some extra for the brother, grown son, etc who are still thinking it can't happen here."
C program run. C program crash. C programmer quit.

(1) 21” Bow Saw w/extra blades
(1) Shovel, round point
(1) Shovel, square point
(1) Claw Hammer
(1) Handsaw, crosscut
(1) Axe, single blade
(1) Pick Axe
(1) Maul
(1) Large Crowbar
(1) Ladder
(1) 4lb Hand Sledge Hammer
(1) Cold Chisel
(1) Diamond Honing Block Knife sharpener
(1) Nicholson 8” Axe File
(1) Set of Phillips head Screwdrivers (Large, Med, Small)
(1) Set of Flat head Screwdrivers (Large, Med, Small)
(1) Set of Allen wrenches
(1) Socket Set w/ratchets
(1) Razor Knife w/100 spare blades
(1) 21” Bow Saw w/extra blades
(1) Shovel, round point
(1) Shovel, square point
(1) Claw Hammer
(1) Handsaw, crosscut
(1) Axe, single blade
(1) Pick Axe
(1) Maul
(1) Large Crowbar
(1) Ladder
(1) 4lb Hand Sledge Hammer
(1) Cold Chisel
(1) Diamond Honing Block Knife sharpener
(1) Nicholson 8” Axe File
(1) Set of Phillips head Screwdrivers (Large, Med, Small)
(1) Set of Flat head Screwdrivers (Large, Med, Small)
(1) Set of Allen wrenches
(1) Socket Set w/ratchets
(1) Razor Knife w/100 spare blades
(1) diagonal cutter pliers
(1) Long nose pliers
(1) Slip Joint pliers
(1) Hacksaw
(1) 10" Adjustable wrench
and you should be carrying this around all the time
(1) Leatherman Wave
For some reason the list leaves out the most obvious thing to have
(1) 7500W (or higher) Generator
Bug Out Bag Item List
By Geoffrey Hardin
Originally posted to the Misc.Survivalism newsgroup
By Geoffrey Hardin
Originally posted to the Misc.Survivalism newsgroup
Well, being the glutton for punishment that I am, and at the
request of someone who doesn't know what they were getting into, the following
is a generally accurate list of my BoB.
I know it sounds like a lot, and it is. This is what I have
sitting inside one of my closets ready to go at a moment's notice. But there
are a lot of small items which don't weigh very much. I don't have a total
weight for all the gear, because I only have a 250-lb scale at home (and I
weigh 225. But my guess is that everything together (with weapon, ammo and all
cold weather equipment) is in the range of 55-65 lbs. My wife has a similar bag
which is pared down for maximum weight reduction. Some other additions sitting
in close proximity to the BoB are :
1-gallon of distilled water which is rotated every couple of
months (it will be poured directly into the canteens immediately) and a small
duffel bag with 1 full set of clothing appropriate to the climate at the time
(i.e, one set of BDU's, one pair socks, t-shirt and underwear, coat (if cold
enough), one pair boots). Therefore, where I indicate that I have 2 BDU pants,
I have one in the rucksack and one in the small duffel bag, ditto with the rest
of the set of clothing.
This stuff isn't always in one Backpack. I have what I term the
"Cold Weather Module". This stuff always stays in the CFP-90. When
the weather gets cold enough to necessitate the use of the sleeping bag, I
transfer all the stuff into there. During warmer weather, I use the Harness and
a buttpack along with the top pack of the CFP.
T-shirts, socks and underwear are cut in half, and only the items
with the asterisk (*) are included.
I, of course, welcome comments, suggestions, flames and questions as
to why I chose what I did.
Personal Evacuation Kit
1 CFP-90 Rucksack
3 Liners, Waterproof
2* Canteens, plastic, 1 qt
2* Covers, Canteen, OD
1* Cup, Canteen, Stainless steel
1* Canteen, 2qt w/ covers
1* Compass, Lensatic, Tritium-illuminated w/ pouch
1* Waterproof Map Case with necessary Maps waterproofed with Map Seal
1* Set of Alcohol Markers (in map case)
1* Waterfilter (PUR Scout)
1* set Waterproof Mini-Binoculars
1* Flashlight, Mini-Maglite-type
16* Batteries, Alkaline
100'* 550 Cord
1* Leatherman Supertool
1* Knife, Lockblade, Pocket, Benchmade AFO
1* Knife, Fixed Blade, Busse Steelheart II w/ Eagle sheath
1* Sharpening stone (in pocket on sheath)
1* Watch, windup, w/tritium markings
1* Shovel, Cold Steel Spetsnaz
1* Shelter (doubles as Poncho), IMPS
1* Groundpad, self-inflating, Therm-A-Rest
1* Poncho Liner
1 Sleeping Bag, Modular (for use in -20 degrees Fahrenheit to +40 degrees) w/ stuff sack
1* Space Blanket, Heavy Duty
2 Pants, BDU-type
2 Shirts, long-sleeve, Tuck-in
4 T-shirts, various colors, (Hanes Beefy-T's or similar type)
4 Underwear
6pr Socks, (Over the calf)
2pr Boots, GI, Black.
1 Hat, Boonie type
1 Hat, Baseball type
1pr* Gloves, Leather, BlackA-type
1pr* Liners, Gloves, Wool or Polypropylene
1pr* Pants, wet weather
1* Jacket, Wet Weather
6* MRE's
1* Utensil set (fork, spoon)
1 Cookware Set
2 Candles, 8-hour
100* Matches, waterproof
1* Hammock
1* Wallet, with extra identification and $100 in small bills (minimum)
1* $10 roll silver quarters
1* Pad of Paper (waterproof NoteSafe)
1* Fisher Space Pen (clicker type with rubber coating)
1* Mechanical Pencil 0.9mm
5 Trashbags, Large, Heavy-Duty *(3 in warm weather)
3 Liners, Waterproof
2* Canteens, plastic, 1 qt
2* Covers, Canteen, OD
1* Cup, Canteen, Stainless steel
1* Canteen, 2qt w/ covers
1* Compass, Lensatic, Tritium-illuminated w/ pouch
1* Waterproof Map Case with necessary Maps waterproofed with Map Seal
1* Set of Alcohol Markers (in map case)
1* Waterfilter (PUR Scout)
1* set Waterproof Mini-Binoculars
1* Flashlight, Mini-Maglite-type
16* Batteries, Alkaline
100'* 550 Cord
1* Leatherman Supertool
1* Knife, Lockblade, Pocket, Benchmade AFO
1* Knife, Fixed Blade, Busse Steelheart II w/ Eagle sheath
1* Sharpening stone (in pocket on sheath)
1* Watch, windup, w/tritium markings
1* Shovel, Cold Steel Spetsnaz
1* Shelter (doubles as Poncho), IMPS
1* Groundpad, self-inflating, Therm-A-Rest
1* Poncho Liner
1 Sleeping Bag, Modular (for use in -20 degrees Fahrenheit to +40 degrees) w/ stuff sack
1* Space Blanket, Heavy Duty
2 Pants, BDU-type
2 Shirts, long-sleeve, Tuck-in
4 T-shirts, various colors, (Hanes Beefy-T's or similar type)
4 Underwear
6pr Socks, (Over the calf)
2pr Boots, GI, Black.
1 Hat, Boonie type
1 Hat, Baseball type
1pr* Gloves, Leather, BlackA-type
1pr* Liners, Gloves, Wool or Polypropylene
1pr* Pants, wet weather
1* Jacket, Wet Weather
6* MRE's
1* Utensil set (fork, spoon)
1 Cookware Set
2 Candles, 8-hour
100* Matches, waterproof
1* Hammock
1* Wallet, with extra identification and $100 in small bills (minimum)
1* $10 roll silver quarters
1* Pad of Paper (waterproof NoteSafe)
1* Fisher Space Pen (clicker type with rubber coating)
1* Mechanical Pencil 0.9mm
5 Trashbags, Large, Heavy-Duty *(3 in warm weather)
1 Personal Hygeine Kit w/ :
1 Box Baby Wipes
1 Soap Bar (anti-bacterial)
1 Deodorant (Pit-stop, preferable)
1 Toothbrush
1 Toothpaste
1 Mirror, Stainless Steel
1 Roll Toilet Paper
1 Collapsible basin
1 Towel, Cotton
1 Razor, Disposable
5 Blades, Razor
1 Shaving cream
1 Sunblock
1 Foot Powder
1 Plastic Comb
1 Mouthwash
1 Soap Bar (anti-bacterial)
1 Deodorant (Pit-stop, preferable)
1 Toothbrush
1 Toothpaste
1 Mirror, Stainless Steel
1 Roll Toilet Paper
1 Collapsible basin
1 Towel, Cotton
1 Razor, Disposable
5 Blades, Razor
1 Shaving cream
1 Sunblock
1 Foot Powder
1 Plastic Comb
1 Mouthwash
1* First Aid Kit w/ following:
2 Triangular Bandage
1 Box assorted Bandaids
8 Gauze Pads
1 Tweezers
1 Magnifying glass
10 Safety pins
1 Moleskin Roll
1 Bottle 50 Tylenol
1 Bottle One-A-Day Vitamins
1 Thermometer
2 Ace Bandages
2 Rolls Surgical Tape
4 Sutures, General Purpose
1 Tube, Antibiotic cream
1 Box, Pepto-bismol Tablets
1 SAM Splint
1 Lip Balm
3pr Latex Gloves
1 EMT Shears
1 Fingersplint
10 Butterfly closures
5 Ammonia Inhalants
10 Sudafed (or equivalent)
10 Cough Suppressant
10 Maalox (or equivalent)
10 Ex-Lax (or equivalent)
1 Box assorted Bandaids
8 Gauze Pads
1 Tweezers
1 Magnifying glass
10 Safety pins
1 Moleskin Roll
1 Bottle 50 Tylenol
1 Bottle One-A-Day Vitamins
1 Thermometer
2 Ace Bandages
2 Rolls Surgical Tape
4 Sutures, General Purpose
1 Tube, Antibiotic cream
1 Box, Pepto-bismol Tablets
1 SAM Splint
1 Lip Balm
3pr Latex Gloves
1 EMT Shears
1 Fingersplint
10 Butterfly closures
5 Ammonia Inhalants
10 Sudafed (or equivalent)
10 Cough Suppressant
10 Maalox (or equivalent)
10 Ex-Lax (or equivalent)
1* Repair Kit:
4 Bulbs, Mini-Maglite type
1 Package, Assorted Needles
1 Package, Threads
10 Buttons
1 Awl
1 Roll, Nylon thread
1 Roll, Waxed Cotton Thread
1 Tube, GOOP
1 Tin, Boot Polish, Black (Kiwi)
1 Tin, Mink Oil
1 Applicator
1 Brush, polish
1 Roll, Duct-tape
1 Package, Assorted Needles
1 Package, Threads
10 Buttons
1 Awl
1 Roll, Nylon thread
1 Roll, Waxed Cotton Thread
1 Tube, GOOP
1 Tin, Boot Polish, Black (Kiwi)
1 Tin, Mink Oil
1 Applicator
1 Brush, polish
1 Roll, Duct-tape
2pr Polypropylene Thermal underwear
3pr Wool Socks
1 Sweater, Wool
2pr Gloves, Insulated
1 Jacket, Gore-tex ECWCS
1 Pants, Gore-tex ECWCS
1 Overalls, Fleece (Teddy Bear Suit)
1 Top, Fleece, (Teddy Bear Suit)
1 Cap, Wool, Watchcap type
1 Scarf, Polypropylene
1 Stove, Multi-fuel (Coleman Dual Fuel)
1 Container, Sigg, fuel
3pr Wool Socks
1 Sweater, Wool
2pr Gloves, Insulated
1 Jacket, Gore-tex ECWCS
1 Pants, Gore-tex ECWCS
1 Overalls, Fleece (Teddy Bear Suit)
1 Top, Fleece, (Teddy Bear Suit)
1 Cap, Wool, Watchcap type
1 Scarf, Polypropylene
1 Stove, Multi-fuel (Coleman Dual Fuel)
1 Container, Sigg, fuel
Items for Defense (also voted most likely to draw flames)
***Please don't flame me on either weapon choice or how much ammo.
Most of the stuff in this section is considered group standard and not open to
1 Rifle, Colt AR-15A2, Lightweight Sporter w/ collapsible stock.
7 Magazines, 30 round, (minimum, 14 preferred)
1 Assault Harness (capable of carrying a minimum 6-30 rd magazines)
2 Ammo Pouches (Optional, to hold 3-30 round magazines each)
3 Bandoliers, with 140 rds 5.56x45mm (62 grain Mil Spec. preferred, 55 grain acceptable)
1 Pistol, H&K USP45
3 Magazines, Pistol, 10-rd
50rds Ammunition, .45 ACP 230 grain Ball
16rds Ammunition, .45 ACP Shotshell
1 Web Belt
1 Holster, Pistol, Nylon
1 Pouch, Ammo (capable of holding a minimum of 2 magazines)
7 Magazines, 30 round, (minimum, 14 preferred)
1 Assault Harness (capable of carrying a minimum 6-30 rd magazines)
2 Ammo Pouches (Optional, to hold 3-30 round magazines each)
3 Bandoliers, with 140 rds 5.56x45mm (62 grain Mil Spec. preferred, 55 grain acceptable)
1 Pistol, H&K USP45
3 Magazines, Pistol, 10-rd
50rds Ammunition, .45 ACP 230 grain Ball
16rds Ammunition, .45 ACP Shotshell
1 Web Belt
1 Holster, Pistol, Nylon
1 Pouch, Ammo (capable of holding a minimum of 2 magazines)
1 Weapons Cleaning Kit
1 Rod, Cleaning, 5-piece
2 Patch Holders
2 Bore Brushes for AR-15
2 Bore Brushes for .45
1 Swab for .45
1 Chamber Brush for AR-15
1 Roll Cotton Patches
1 Bottle, Break-Free CLP (4 oz)
1 Bottle, Break-Free CLP (.25 oz)
1 Bottle, Hoppe's #9 (.25 oz)
1 Toothbrush, Nylon
1 Toothbrush, Brass
3 Dental Cleaning picks
2 Rags, cleaning, cotton (shoprags)
25 Qtips
25 Pipe Cleaners
2 Patch Holders
2 Bore Brushes for AR-15
2 Bore Brushes for .45
1 Swab for .45
1 Chamber Brush for AR-15
1 Roll Cotton Patches
1 Bottle, Break-Free CLP (4 oz)
1 Bottle, Break-Free CLP (.25 oz)
1 Bottle, Hoppe's #9 (.25 oz)
1 Toothbrush, Nylon
1 Toothbrush, Brass
3 Dental Cleaning picks
2 Rags, cleaning, cotton (shoprags)
25 Qtips
25 Pipe Cleaners
Again, please be sure to email me with any comments, etc. I may
not get them otherwise.
Geoffrey L. Hardin, (
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